Watch "Omali Yeshitela Stolen Resources" on YouTube

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Interesting how he’s explaining how they rape Africa and our resources ,and that systems still going on today my point is like what can we do about it to fix so we as black can profits from our resources ?

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That has been the question for the past 500 years. Note that presently multiple African countries have the desire to develop their landscape, industry and production for the betterment of African people. To use there own resources to elevate Africa vs being pillaged and plundered by European bandits. Europe says no, as this requires fossil fuels, we insist you go green.
Many African countries, with the aid of China and Russia, are saying Fucc you. Will you know where this will end.
So we need a revolution that starts with the political theory and praxis of African Internationalism. They will attack. We will fight back.

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